Reverb 10 Prompt: Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (The prompt is complements of Martha Mihalick.)

Writing - My FriendFriendships are a funny thing. Some come and go while others stay constant or renewed again at a later time.

Renewing friendships can be like picking up a favorite book and starting anywhere, engaging with a familiar story. Quickly discovered is the fact that many chapters have been written since last pulling it off the shelf and much has happened and is now unfamiliar.

This past year, many old friendships were renewed and existing ones strengthened. I am very grateful for both.

In an odd way, the practice of writing has become my new close friend. Although writing is more of a solitary activity, the result has been more engaging conversations. Writing has been like an old friend in that many memories have come to my fingertips and have shown up as words in many posts. Writing also has been like a new friend in that ideas and passions have been ignited and transformed into words.

How has my new friend, writing, changed me and my perspectives? Writing has:

  • Served as an open window to explore ideas
  • Provided an opportunity to work through many topics and discover the power of choices
  • Supplied a relief valve for frustrations and challenges
  • Built a platform to support initiatives and express opinions

At times, the loneliness of writing appears in that I wonder if anyone is listening. It doesn’t matter too much since writing has:

  • Cleared my mind, making room for new or better thoughts
  • Replenished my soul, delivering new energy to life’s activities
  • Refreshed my spirit, preparing me for another day ahead

Writing is a good friend, familiar in many ways and unfamiliar in others. Combined, writing moves me forward… brightly renewed.