Breeze of ChangeMany areas have experienced intense weather patterns during the last few months. In Texas, it has been hot this Summer. The Dallas Morning News highlighted the statistic yesterday:  68 days of 100-degree plus days (the record — 69 days).

And, then it happened.

Yesterday, a cool breeze was in the air along with a temperature of 83 degrees.

Something as simple as a cool breeze can change your perspective dramatically. Repetitive hot days made all seem bound up, limited. Drudgery crept in to any activity. Any time outside took an extra effort to do the work or simply going for a walk. Keeping an upbeat outlook began to melt away from the daily downbeat of the heat.

And, the cool breeze swept away the memories of all those hot days in just a few minutes of feeling its presence.

Our outlook simply refreshed.

Underneath, the marks of the intense weather patterns remain, just as they do when life experiences deliver similar hardships. Recovery is still needed through soft, drenching, renewing rains.

Yet, our perspective adjusts, and we begin to see the hope of change ahead. Our challenge is always the same — what do we do with the new hope?

The answer — we need to have faith in our actions to grab hold of the change and engage in the paths that move us forward.

A calming, cool breeze can be like a slap in the face. It isn’t a violent slap; it is like cool water splashed on your face after many hours of hard work or in the morning as you wake-up.

We need to breathe in these moments of change and then adjust our perspectives and renew our actions.

We need to listen to the small nudges in our lives and tackle new and old opportunities with revived energy.

What small changes wake you up again to the possibilities ahead?

(Note: This week, I will write each day on small, sometimes unnoticeable, thing. I will write about some normal occurrence and the perspective gained from that event or thought. Stay tuned…)