If you mean it, say it.
If you say it, mean it.
If you say it, do it.
If you do it, mean it.
If you say it,
say it with empathy, civility, and good intentions.
If you do it,
do it thoroughly, constructively, and wholeheartedly.
To mean it, follow through on it.
To mean it, believe it.
To mean it, lead energetically with it.
“It” is a fill-in-the-blank word.
Define it.
Do it.
Check it.
Improve it.
Whatever it may be for you, do it well.
It is uncomplicated when it is meaningful.
Integrity is such a simple concept, yet for many it seems so difficult to master. I really enjoyed this post, Jon. I think it would make a great poster 🙂
Thank you, Bill. I agree. We get in our own way too many times when it comes to integrity and doing things that create greater meaning. Appreciate your feedback and kind comments! Jon
Love this! There is great joy and simplicity when we say and do what we mean #meanit
Thanks, Karin. Thanks for instigating the #meanit conversation!
To mean it is to OWN it. My clients tell me they want a thriving small business and do nothing new OR tell me they want to be promoted but are completely resistant to a coaching conversation with their manager. When you mean it, action isn’t a choice – it’s doing what you say and the alignment of thoughts and words.
Really fantastic, Jon!
An outstanding add, Alli! To mean it is to own it — and then doing what you say. Thanks for your perspective! Jon