When Feedback Isn’t a Gift

I was sitting in a meeting one morning several weeks ago when the topic of feedback arose. I just sat quietly and listened. From all I have heard in my professional career to date, feedback is (and has been) a hot topic and a “breakfast of champions” according to Ken Blanchard. After a few minutes…

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Performance Appraisal Tips for New Managers

Guest Post by Erik Hobbins Suddenly, you are expected to evaluate those who, a short time ago, were your peers. Not only that, you are expected to tell them what you think of them – the good, bad and ugly – but in a way that they will accept and even welcome. While this will…

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How to Deliver Criticism Without Losing Fans

Guest Post by Kelly Gregorio No leader can deny the wonderful feeling of being well-liked by his or her team. You work hard to create harmony in the workplace, and your efforts are paid back in a loyal and engaged staff. Unfortunately, there are times when, as a leader, you have to play some unfavorable…

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How to Handle Negative Feedback at Work

Getting feedback is a part of work. Some may be negative feedback. We need to be prepared to handle it, and here five ways to handle negative feedback.

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