Is it Time to Take Your Eyes Off the Map?

As a Millennial, I don’t remember what it’s like to travel without a GPS (either the antiquated dashboard version or on my iPhone). When I first started driving, my parents would try to tell me how to get somewhere with “traditional directions.” Most times, I would just ask for the address, so I could type…

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My Love/Hate Relationship with Repetition

Repetition has a bad rap. It’s not hard to see why. If your childhood was like my childhood, at some point you had to write lines as a form of punishment. There were more than a few afternoons spent writing, “I will not hit my brother,” one hundred times, or longer depending on the severity…

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The One Job You Cannot Delegate to Anyone Else

I have a confession to make. Sometimes, when my phone rings, I ignore because I don’t want someone to ruin the plans I have for my day. Typically, I’m afraid that my kids’ preschool will be calling to announce my kids have caught the latest bug, and my schedule is obliterated. Every time I hear…

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Want a Different Outcome? Take a Mindful Minute

I am the definition of a planner. Every week, between home, school and everything else in between I spend hours just planning things literally because I can and because my mind just goes there. Some people call it daydreaming. I prefer to think of it as considering possibilities. I get a thrill from the anticipation…

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Practicing What I Preach: How a Trip to Target Made Me More Mindful

Guest Post by Kelly Olenski As a DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) clinician, I am all-too-familiar with mindfulness. DBT is a therapy model developed by Dr. Marshan Linehan in which she used the concept of dialectics – the construct that two seemingly opposing concepts can be true at the same time, specifically acceptance and change – to…

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Practical Tips to Improve Self-Awareness

I have writer’s confession to make. Brace yourself, it’s a big one: I have never written in a journal. Can you believe it? If you’ve ever listened to an interview with a writer, you may have heard that it’s common for writers to have piles and piles of old journals tucked away somewhere safe, with…

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Mindful Leadership: Purpose, Integrity, Presence

Matt Tenney is the author of a new book – The Mindfulness Edge: How to Rewire Your Brain for Leadership and Personal Excellence Without Adding to Your Schedule. Matt, along with his co-author Tim Gard, bring mindfulness to life for leaders. Mindfulness has grabbed the attention of many individuals as a way to find center and meaning…

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Stop Distractions from Stealing Your Joy

When I look back, my wedding day is a blur. I definitely remember the excitement and gravity of reciting my vows at the church. I remember looking into my husband’s eyes and hearing him promise to stand by my side for the remainder of our lives. I remember actually getting married. The rest of day,…

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One Simple Question That Will Save You From Burnout

“You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen I’ll never forget the day I realized I can’t do it all. I was driving to a meeting for a charity fundraiser after a long day with the kids, and I had this moment where I wished I was sick. I wished that I would be…

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The Mindful Middle of Past and Future

People do amazing things. We are capable to do amazing things. If people are doing things and have the potential to do more, why do many of us feel like we are stuck? Not everyone may feel this way right now, but my guess is most have felt this way at one or more times…

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How Mindfulness Shapes Effective Strategic Leadership

Strategy provides the clarity for any organization. Even though this is true, many struggle with defining a strategy and gaining momentum around it. Ignoring strategy or floundering on the pursuit of one is no fun. The lack of a strategy weighs on the business culture and many of the team initiatives that try to gain…

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Centering Is the New Mentoring

Mentoring is often discussed in leadership and people development circles but rarely done completely, if at all. Leaders need to take a renewed look at what a new mentoring model should be and what our responsibilities are. Mentoring is a way to engage the diversity of ages and lead across all generations. Mentoring is often…

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