Megan Dougherty

Megan is a marketing communications enthusiast with an affinity for the human side of business. An avid writer, communicator, strategic thinker and do-er, she aspires to support people and organizations in sharing their stories and bringing their visions for associates, communities, and themselves to fruition to contribute to positive common good.

Megan’s down to earth sense of humor is contrasted by her analytical nature and scrupulous attention to detail. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a concentration in Strategic Advertising and a minor in Spanish and will go on to earn her Master’s in Strategic Public Relations, both from Virginia Commonwealth University. A self-proclaimed “tom-boy,” Megan spends her free time relaxing in a baseball cap with her dog, Bear.

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Megan Dougherty's Articles

It’s OK to Ask for Help

I recently sat in a keynote about achieving personal greatness. It wasn’t one of those obnoxious overly-inspirational pep talks about how this person defied all the odds and was an overnight success story. It was an intimate open story about how overcoming struggle was key to mental wellbeing and ultimately, unleashing her personal greatness and…

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Harnessing The Power of Employee Recognition

Not surprisingly, some of the biggest challenges facing HR professionals today are employee turnover and engagement. According to Gallup, millennial turnover, in particular, costs the U.S. $30.5 billion annually. Just as organizations want the best talent, today’s talent wants to work for the best organizations. Gallup also says, “it’s possible they don’t actually want to…

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Hope in the Midst of a Challenging Post-Graduation Reality

  “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” ~ Arthur Ashe I don’t know a more practical piece of advice for graduates than Arthur Ashe’s quote. Graduating college is supposed to be among the most exciting times for a young person, but it’s often overshadowed by the pressures of life….

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Dear Me – A Reflection on How Things Turn Out

I continue to be amazed at how things turn out. What started as a casual conversation commemorating the 20-year anniversary of Hansen’s “MMMBop” quickly turned into the realization that a girlfriend of mine and I are getting old, and it’s weird. We took a trip down nostalgia lane talking about everything from Boyz II Men and…

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Want a Different Outcome? Take a Mindful Minute

I am the definition of a planner. Every week, between home, school and everything else in between I spend hours just planning things literally because I can and because my mind just goes there. Some people call it daydreaming. I prefer to think of it as considering possibilities. I get a thrill from the anticipation…

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Community Starts With One

When you’re passionate about something, how can you find common ground with others in order to foster community? These 3 ideas will help you mobilize and make an impact on our world.

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Make the Time: 4 Reasons to Attend Conferences

I tried to Google a statistic explaining approximately how many conferences happen annually in the U.S. and had absolutely no luck. While there was no clear answer to the question, what I did see was that there are more than I could have ever fathomed. Literally thousands of conferences happen across the U.S. annually, and…

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Making the Human Connection Trumps Networking

Relationship building isn’t just about likes or retweets. It’s more than digital networking. It’s about quality interactions you have and rapport you build with real live people, and it has the potential to be extremely rewarding in many ways.

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3 Signs Your Boss Has Your Back

Want to do well in your career? Pick a job you love. In an article in Fortune, Erin “Mack” McKelvey, CEO of SalientMG, confesses that if she could go back in time and give her 22-year old self-advice, one of those nuggets would be to pick a role wisely. She explains that if being an assistant…

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I Think, Therefore I Am – Creative. Or Am I?

Have you ever noticed how creativity seems to come very naturally to some and not so much to others? It’s like some people are just born with it; like they just flip a switch and the eclectic, exciting, and unexpected ideas just start flowing. As a self-proclaimed left-side-of-brain-er, the creative types have always intrigued me….

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The Potter Box: Staying on the Right Path

In a world where money rules, doing the “right thing” often competes with ever-tightening budgets. When the pressure to meet financial goals heats up, people don’t mind cutting those corners, telling those little white lies, and putting profits before people because it’s quick, easy, and it delivers; but it’s dirty. At some point in our…

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When Feedback Isn’t a Gift

I was sitting in a meeting one morning several weeks ago when the topic of feedback arose. I just sat quietly and listened. From all I have heard in my professional career to date, feedback is (and has been) a hot topic and a “breakfast of champions” according to Ken Blanchard. After a few minutes…

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