Millennial Myths Have Always Been Myths. Blame Bloggers.

Many Millennial myths have been started by bloggers. Yes, blame bloggers. Time for a generational awakening!

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Be Informed: Essential Business, Financial, and Economic Sites

Be informed. An important responsibility for business leaders and good citizenship. A few business, financial, and economic sites to begin.

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Better Society, Better Days: Moving from Stale Leaders to Smart Leaders

Bold statements on better days and better society inspire. We need more than inspiration. We need smart leaders from all generations.

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Personal Responsibility Versus Corporate Responsibility: Evolutionary?

Technology and innovations change lives. How we adapt depends on a mix of personal responsibility and corporate responsibility. The truth: It is evolutionary responsibility.

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Finding Our Citizenship Soul

Some may view the past year with a sense of excitement while others view it as turmoil. In either view, finding our citizenship soul is critical, and we need to begin in several areas.

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Millennials: Smart Cities Need Smart Citizens

To achieve a Smart City model, Smart Citizens need to rise up, and Millennials need to take the lead. Smart Citizens will focus on policy and solutions.

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