Guest Post by Brian Sooy
The power of words inspires me. The right words, shared at the right time, give hope and purpose. Words create an expectation of reality; anticipation for what is promised, hope for what is to come.
The Power of Words: Cast Vision
Words help leaders cast vision for the promise of the future. Words give life to ideas. Words and phrases convey the purpose, values, character, and culture of your organization. Words that motivate create affinity and loyalty when the values conveyed are shared by those who believe in your cause.
When combined with interpretive typography and memorable imagery, words motivate people to action, and become a catalyst that lead to changed thinking in the mind, and speak hope to the heart of the listener.
Words give meaning and promote unity. The words you use inspire others to participate in the future that is promised, and the change that is aspired to.
The Power of Words: Connect
To inspire is to connect the purpose of a cause with the values of its supporters. When an individual understands that their values align with your organization’s mission and the cause your organization represents, they become part of the story. Their shared experience gives them a story to tell, a point of connection, and personal meaning. Their story becomes an inspiration to others; their story becomes a part of your narrative. They are no longer observers, but participants.
The impact of leadership is amplified by words that inspire. People want a cause to believe in, and a leader to follow. Choose your words well, and they will motivate people to follow, to donate to, advocate for— and to believe in— your cause. Inspire people, and they will be motivated and engaged. Engage them, and they will become more than advocates and donors—they will become believers.
Words can paint a vision of the future, but words without action are just wishes.
The Power of Words: The World Is Watching… And Listening
The world is watching, and it is asking: “Do you want me engaged? Do you want me to follow you, to believe in your vision? Inspire me!”
Guest Author
Brian Sooy is the founder and Design Director of Aespire, a design and marketing firm empowering mission-driven organizations to create purpose-driven communications through positioning, design, marketing, and web site development. Brian is author of Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto, a book that explores a framework for understanding how purpose, character, culture, and voice empower organizations to communicate to the outcomes they are working to achieve.
Your words ring true good Sir! Brian I appreciate your light. You guys feel free to visit me at my blog (My purpose is to help others to find and cultivate their purpose!)
Have an awesome day!!
Thanks Brandon. Your site sums it up nicely “The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose.”
Our words do represent who we are and what we stand for. They help us tell our stories and they can share a meaningful lesson we learned along the way.
Words cannot be taken back and stay with us and our persona. We need to choose them carefully and reflect how they may help us connect with others.
Terrific post, Brian!
So true Terri, so true! Often our last words are the ones that are remembered longest. Be Inspiring!