“Happy New Year!” You have heard it dozens of times, either shouted at a party or as a stand-in greeting, replacing “good morning” and “have a good day.” Maybe added as a closing to an email, seen before a long and exhausting signature block. At least two weeks after any new year begins, this is the standard exchange.
Are You Resisting the New Year Recharge?
In the current day of social media, we also seem to be inundated with “new year, new me,” and “this will be my year!” posts. In typical internet cynicism, this year I have seen some preemptive posts claiming “it’s just another day,” or “new year, same me.” Although there is definitely truth to this, I do not like the sentiment that people can’t and don’t need to recharge. Whether it is every 365 days, or daily, we all need to reset our own spiritual, emotional and physical hourglass. Should you wait until the ball drops and the countdown begins to start working on being your best self? No. However, the fact that collectively we get another go ‘round at trying to hit some goals or realize our intentions, always feels immensely powerful to me.
Whether it is every 365 days, or daily, we all need to reset our own spiritual, emotional and physical hourglass.
TweetI get why there is the draw to start over or jumpstart what has been put off or avoided previously. Forming new and better habits can be difficult. Feeling like a year passed by and you have nothing to show for it, can be or feel depressing. Where did the time go? What have I been doing? I only have how many days until my next birthday? It doesn’t help that there is so much build-up starting October 31st when the holiday season begins.
For two months, we are beaten over the head with holiday themes, gift ideas, recipes, greeting card-like commercials, financial sales report comparisons and stock footage of shoppers. Don’t forget the parties, Santa tracking, the last-days-for-this-or-that sale(s) and the New Year’s Eve countdown. It all culminates in a very heavy drop to reality come January 2nd when many of us (myself included) have to start answering emails again or get on that project we conveniently put off, because “the holidays, am I right??” It’s a let-down of sorts, and it’s hard to keep up that momentum. You need to be your own cheerleader just to get through the first month of the year, which inevitably seems to drag.
Embrace the Moment and Envision the Year
As a card-carrying member of vision board parties and creations (say what you will, I enjoy them), I like to set out my intentions for the New Year. I feel renewed and optimistic. No, January 1st does not make me a new and whole person, but it does make me grateful for how far I’ve come. I never take it lightly that not everyone who started the previous year with me made it to the New Year.
As a year ends, it’s important for me to take stock in all that was accomplished. When I can actually see what I’ve done in the past 360 or so days — the places traveled, the concerts seen, the books read, the get-togethers, laughs and fun nights out — it reminds me that I didn’t waste my time and I did enough. In some cases, I did more than enough. That leaves me excited and to some extent prepared for the New Year. When I see the “new year, new me” posts, I get it. You aren’t re-invented in the New Year, but whether forced by the stroke of midnight or by making legitimate, well thought out plans, growth is growth, and that’s always a good thing.
The Power of the New Year Recharge