How many times during a given day do you start a thought with “I wish…”? It is so easy to do. I wish I had enough money to buy a home. I wish I had a better job. I wish I had the money to go to explore the greatest wonders of the world. I…
More thinking. More wrestling. All good. It is necessary to think through what you learn and see what rises to the top. When the scattered work days return, the quiet absorption of a leadership summit slips away, almost un-noticed. But, we need to take another break and determine what will be different going forward. For…
I know. First, it was a post on change. Next, it was a post on pace. And, now, it is a post on change of pace. They are related in that we need to we need to pace our approach, knowing that change happens in different forms. At times, we need to explore why our…
Everything about the human body is truly amazing, and our eyes are no different. We often think of our eyes as a way to see outward. They look ahead of where we are going and communicate back to the rest of our body as to how to navigate where we are going. Some of the…
From life to work to politics, the middle plays a role in making it all work. It is our choice on what unfolds from our center, exemplified everyday by our actions. Wrapping up the Meaning of the Middle series.