Do you have one of those books? It’s one of those that sounded good at the time, so it was bought. You may have even started to read it. Interest soon waned, and it was put off in some corner or on the bookshelf for a later time.
Sometimes words and reading just don’t come together. It may be a timing thing, a mind thing, a heart thing. When words and reading do come together, the thoughts flow; the inspiration builds; and the sense of what to do or change happens.
I recently had one of those experiences with Blue Like Jazz. I purchased it almost 2 1/2 years ago, started to read it, but set it aside. As I recall, it just seemed like a bunch of rambling.
I heard more about the author recently, so I decided to try it again. It was packed in my bag for the long airline trip west. This time, though, it all came together. Maybe it just needed to age a little. I could not stop reading it, finishing it in less than a day.
Blue Like Jazz flows through encounters of questioning faith, dealing with differences of people, and working through life’s challenges. It is real, and it is well done.
Sometimes books on faith and religion seem too clean, sanitized for good life reading. Blue Like Jazz is a book which delivers perspective in an everyday, practical kind of living experience.
Life can be messy, but this fact does not mean God is absent in the mess. We may just need to listen more, work a little harder, and be ready to take the next step.
If you have an unread book, pick it up this summer and try again. The time may be right now.
If you are looking for a good book about real life faith, read Blue Like Jazz.
Thought point: What book have you purchased but never read?
The Unread Book