Reverb 10 Prompt: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
Letting go of a person is challenging, unless it is because of a death and, even then, it can be up-and-down process.
People are an interesting thing when it comes to letting go. They are always there in some way. Their level of presence will vary based on where they are in your life – your workplace, a nearby neighbor, or a far-away relative.
You can be frustrated, furious, or friendly with people you don’t necessarily want to spend a lot of time with or always agree with. But, the bottom line is that you cannot change them; change is only possible within that person. It is a mindset or action shift which needs to occur.
What I let go of this past year is worrying about it. People are who they are. I cannot change this fact. How I deal with them is within my control, and I decided to just let the big concerns about certain people’s actions or words just pass. Another of way of putting this is that I am comfortable with my actions, results, and beliefs. For people who irritate or otherwise annoy me, I just let it go.
I try to put it all in context.
I try to plot a reasonable course.
I listen.
I challenge what I think is unacceptable or inappropriate.
I promote and champion what I think is a right course of action or set of beliefs.
I try to encourage and guide as much as possible.
I try to laugh.
I try to do my best in all that I do.
What others do is up to them. I don’t necessarily have to participate. I can work with them, have conversations with them, disagree with them, but always be cordial with them.
Why do this? Because life is too short. Am I always successful with this approach? Not always, yet I try.
Doing this takes effort, yet it was makes my life better, more focused.
Letting go of the bitterness or annoyance others can cause is a challenge at times. In the end, it is what works, and it is what keeps me centered and moving forward.
What a burden you have been able to set down. It is not easy to come to the point of knowing you can only love, offer and guide, and it is up to them to do the rest. And you don’t have to let what others say affect you if you choose not to. Thanks for sharing.