When the Kickstarter campaign began to save Blue Like Jazz (the movie), amazing things began to happen. People joined in and contributed what they could to help make this great book into a movie.
The fundraising effort stops at the end of the day. The good news is that the movie is now funded. The even better news is that you can still be a part of this campaign and provide additional funding to help the filming and launch of this movie. Go to the SAVE Blue Like Jazz! (the movie) site and contribute what you can. Any amount will help bring this story to the big screen!
To learn more about this effort, watch this clip: SAVE Blue Like Jazz – The Movie
As I wrote in The Unread Book, Blue Like Jazz sat on my shelf for nearly two years before I picked it up. Once I started reading it, I could not stop. This story needs to come to life as a movie so that people can see this very real perspective on faith.
Blue Like Jazz is a story of life and faith intertwined, not always clean or clear, yet they are mixed together in way which great stories emerge.
Funding Blue Like Jazz (the movie) through our inspired efforts is a great storyline, and one that is fitting for this book.
Blue Like Jazz – Join the Campaign to Save the Movie