My ideal day…. I close my eyes, and my answer comes into focus.

Love My Ideal DayI think about the perfect run, a perfect writing day, and a perfectly quiet day sitting on the beach.

All sound really good, yet my ideal day is one simply filled with love.

My ideal day is about love of family, friends, and work.

On this day, family life is all about hugs, helping, and homework. The day is marked with more embracing of each other and what is possible when respect is in full swing. It also is about service, doing more than asked in school and life and tending to our chores with no nudging or reminding. My sons take on their homework and complete it with an eagerness to show their good works.

During my ideal family day, I am Ward Cleaver, and we all live in a perfect black and white world of knowing what to do, doing it, and loving each other each step of the way. It starts and ends with a hug of appreciation and pure love.

On this day, I meet a group of old college friends, and we have a spirited lunch conversation. All the pleasantries and catch-up of what has happened over the last 25 years has been done fully in advance. Our lunch conversations are deep ones about life, politics, history, and what we should do and learn from all that is happening and has happened.

Our minds and thoughts are enlivened and enlightened by each other, our viewpoints, and our philosophical moments.

During my ideal friend day, the mundane is tucked away, and we live on a higher plane of understanding and depth of meaning. We are in love with ideas and challenging concepts that make us think.

On this day, work is all focused on doing what is right with no roadblocks and Windex clear alignment. The sense of purpose is vibrant in all conversations and work to be done. There is eeriness to how well everyone is working together. There is mutual accountability, but it is wrapped in strength of purpose and integrity.

At the end of my ideal work day, I leave feeling refreshed, fulfilled, and filled with accomplishment.

During my ideal work day, the love of work shines through in how, what, and why we are doing what we are.

My ideal day is about love. It is about a loving family in the way we talk and do. It is the love of conversations with old friends – engaging and meaningful. It is the love of work as an enabler of purpose and the positive role it plays in life.

Parts of my normal day hit the mark at times and dance around the target. My ideal day would always hit the mark, each and every minute.

Yes, my ideal day is about love. Pure and simple.

What happens in your ideal day? Please share in the comments below.


This post is the result of Jason Womak and his book Your Best Just Got Better. The prompt is to describe our ideal day. Join in by adding your ideal day.