In October, I wrote a post entitled “Creating an Unlife Life.” This post led to a few more and then to a call for others to join in. A few have. It also led to a discovery of others writing about similar life principles.
Highlighted below are some of the recent unlife life posts and discoveries. My hope is more will appear, and I will highlight those, too.
Take a moment, read, think, consider, and join in the conversation.
“Are You Fighting with Your Past?” by D’Anne Hotchkiss
D’Anne explores the value of uncoupling from the past to gain peace and new perspectives.
A key excerpt:
“Until we make peace with a loss, we cannot discover the promise of the life ahead. Note, I am not suggesting that we bury our feelings. We must make peace with the part of ourselves that struggles against the new reality of our lives.”
“Un-Acts of Leadership” by Susan Mazza
Susan explores certain un-acts of leadership to empower new acts of leading fully and with heart.
A key leadership un-act:
“Un-know THE Answer. Seek certainty rather than knowing. Certainty gives you and those you lead a sense of confidence in your choices while leaving you with a mind open enough to see when you need to change course. Knowing can leave you stuck in a cycle of trying to prove you are/were right even when the evidence indicates otherwise.”
“What Are You Willing to Learn and Unlearn?” by Deone Higgs
Although not inspired by the unlife life posts, it fits the thoughts so well. Deone explores how unlearning what others think about us can enable us to learn more and do more, removing the limited expectations others may have about us.
Great points offered:
- “Be extremely mindful of the limitations you place on yourself based on what others think you’re capable of doing.
- Give yourself more credit than others are willing and sometimes able to offer you.
- If need be, teach yourself what you don’t know by taking the time to invest in yourself. Read… Read… Read.”
“The Unlifer Manifesto” by Loren Wade
Loren and I connected after one of my unlife life posts. Read Loren’s manifesto and you can see how this syncs so well together. This is the power of social media communities, finding others who are inciting new ways to re-think life.
A vital message in the Unlife Manifesto:
“Don’t just live. Find what makes you come alive and do it. You are meant to live a full, complete, and fulfilling life.”
“An Upside-Down Look at Abundance and Scarcity” on Scott Mabry’s blog
A few weeks ago, Scott invited several bloggers to write about gratitude, abundance, and scarcity. This is my guest post exploring these topics with an unlife life view. It is about understanding the upside of being unfilled and the downside of being filled.
The point of this unfilled filled perspective:
“Remember the lessons of scarcity, using them during abundant times. We all start with certain abilities and capabilities. We need to use them fully, always. It was, and is, what makes us value-centered.
Our drive to do more with what we have should always continue. When we can, we should lend a hand. When we are scraping by, we need to reach up. This is what living in a community means. This is what leading a purpose-filled life demands.”
Join the conversation.
Drop a comment below. Write an unlife life blog post. If you want to write a guest post on unlife life here, please let me know, too.
Your thoughts and insights are encouraged!
Keep on giving, Jon. You’re making an impact!
Thanks, Kent. That means a lot coming from you. Appreciate it! Jon
You are a gentleman, Jon. Loving your blog and thanks so much for featuring me. It was a pleasant surprise.
Thank you, Loren! Glad we connected through one of the unlife life posts. Grateful for your messages! Jon
Hey Jon, thanks bunches for highlighting the “Unlearn” post. I loved the keys and vital messages you’ve highlighted here with everyone’s post, as well. Great life tips! This is such a powerful message for us all. The more we are able to accentuate what’s no longer working for us, the quicker we can get to living a “Unlife Life.” Blessings buddy.
You’re welcome, Deone. Your post fit so well. Appreciate your inspiration and community-building activities. Thank you! Jon
Jon, thank you for expanding the conversation. There are so many ways in which we can un-live.
Yes, and thank you, D’Anne, for broadening and adding to the conversation. Very grateful for your insights! Jon