Arguments happen every day.
Heated conversations take place all the time.
Disagreements come into light between honorable people.
Life is contentious at times. What do we do?
- Do we fight to the bitter end?
- Do we use unflattering names?
- Do we stall or filibuster until we get our way?
- Do we let problems fester until everything fails?
- Do we say one thing and then do another?
Life is in motion. What do we do?
- Do we listen to the differences and then find middle ground?
- Do we look for solutions?
- Do we evaluate alternatives?
- Do we put progress above stagnation?
- Do we find what can be done in order to realize a higher goal or purpose?
We have a choice – in our nation, our community, our family, and our organization – as to whether or not we foster an attitude of spite or solution, deadlock or growth, selfishness or humanity.
Maybe the question is, simply, how do we want to be remembered?
- Do we want to be remembered as angry fools or savvy problem solvers?
- Do we want to be remembered for failures or advancements?
- Do we want to be viewed as holding back or moving forward?
It seems to me that we need to make this choice as an individual and as a society. Read the newspapers, where are we heading? Read the faces of the people in your organization, where are you moving? Look into the eyes of your family members and neighbors, what reflection do you see?
Let us not allow this decade to be viewed as one of divisiveness and decay. Let us lift up this decade as the one in which we rose to the challenge and solved problems for the greater good, higher ideals, and betterment of generations to come.
Let this be our work as a nation, a community, an organization, a family, and an individual. It is our responsibility to do better.
Great post, Jon!
I made a conscious decision recently that I would rather be known for what I support, than what I am against. Even my own attitude improves when I work towards positive progress instead of complaining and bemoaning all that’s wrong with other people, organizations, politics and the world.
When I experience conflict with an individual, I practice widening my perspective and determining common goals and interests I share with them instead of focusing on the differences and difficulties.
I’m grateful that I have a choice in how I relate to others and the world around me. Thanks for the reminder today!
Love your insight and experience, Chrysta! Thanks for sharing. Jon
Hi Jon. It seems as though we get too wrapped up in wanting to be “right,” rather than actually engaging in constructive dialogue and problem solving based on mutual interests. By virtue of clinging to the need to be right, that means someone else has to be “wrong,” when I think most of our disagreements are rarely black & white where someone is 100% right and the other is 100% wrong.
In the infamous words of Rodney King, “Why can’t we all just get along!?”
Take care,
Agree, Randy! We need to listen intently and discuss topics openly, honestly, and civilly. This will help us find the common ground to move forward on higher purpose initiatives and solutions. Thanks for your insights! Jon