Are you ready? More than 80 million Millennials will be entering the workplace, and it is happening soon. Next year, 36% of the workplace will consist of Millennials.

Millennial InfographicThe question is really: Is your organizational culture ready?

Embracing a Millennial Personality

Organizational cultures will need to adapt. It isn’t about changing principles. It is about changing the way things are done. Highlighted below is an infographic produced by MBA@UNC  in partnership with the Young Entrepreneurs Council and their #FixYoungAmerica campaign.

Here are some interesting Millennial statistics and findings from the infographic:

  • 52% said opportunities for career progression made an employer attractive
  • 65% said the opportunity for personal development was the most influential factor in their current job
  • 22% saw training and development as the most valued benefit from an employer
  • 71% of Millennials would like to work abroad
  • 80% of Millennials said they would rather receive feedback in real time
  • Millennials want a work environment that is comfortable and inspires them to contribute
  • Millennials are natural collaborators when purpose and goals are understood

Adopting a Millennial Culture

The more statistics, the more it all just blends together. Maybe it is just me. When looking at the numbers above, they just don’t matter. Remove the the statistics, and the narrative is vital to a vibrant organizational culture.

  • Career progression
  • Personal development and training
  • Work abroad
  • Receive feedback in real time
  • A comfortable and inspiring environment
  • Collaboration with clarity of purpose and goals

What these elements mean for an organizational culture include:

  • Clear career plans and rotations to develop the next generation of leaders (including a global perspective, if possible)
  • Solid training and development offerings to include a professional and personal focus and betterment
  • Timely feedback where frequency and meaning are essential; annual reviews become just a milestone
  • New workspaces to enable interaction and familiarity, meaning ease to work together (around a “kitchen” table or an individual space, for example)
  • Clarity in purpose and goals to empower collaboration and inspire the work to be done

The reality: this is a culture most generations want. The difference is it can no longer just be words on a wall. This is the culture the next generation of leaders will demand and put in place as leaders. It is a culture of words-in-action. It is a culture we need to be building now.

What other elements would you add to build the right organizational culture for the next generation?


Gen Y In the Workplace Via MBA@UNC
Via MBA@UNC:Online Business Degree & The YEC